
A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September’s breeze
A sapphire’s on her brow should bind
Twill cure diseases of the mind

Blue Sapphire

Of all the gemstones, I think the blue sapphire is my favorite. Now, I do love my own birthstone – the diamond – for two reasons. It’s my birth stone and my wedding ring. And yet, if I should combine these two gems into a piece of jewelry, I should have a most perfect piece to enjoy.

It may surprise some that sapphires come in all colors, the most popular being dark blue. This even includes red (but the red sapphire is called a ruby.) Dark blue sapphires are supposed to help creative expression, intuition and meditation. Which most definitely means I need to put my ring back on. (For more reasons to come; stay tuned) Green sapphires are believed to produce luck. Orange sapphires are associated with wisdom, optimism and friendliness. While pink sapphires encourage generosity love and loyalty. White sapphires, often confused with diamonds, contribute to self-appreciation and spiritual development. Yellow helps with intellect, study and knowledge and memory. So it would seem I need one of each.

And apparently, when you wear this gem, the placement of it is of the utmost importance. A sapphire ring sends out healing while a sapphire pendent on a chain may draw destructive forces to the wearer. Fortunately, my sapphire is a ring. Ahh the other reason I should wear it.

Whatever the color, the history of the sapphire is that it was beloved everywhere. Greeks called it sapphiros meaning ‘beloved of Saturn’ or in Arabic sapphires are safir. Sappur is early English form for ‘the substance of God’s throne.’ In fact it was once believed the Ten Commandments were written on a sapphire tablets. Persians claimed this saffir were made of the last drops of immortality and Muslims believed Solomon’s magical seal was of course…a sapphire. In the Orient it was thought sapphires were effective against venomous poison. St. Jerome thought it could gain the good will of princes, liberate the captives, counteract sorcery and foil enemy plots – maybe even the wrath of God. (I’m sure if the gem was big enough). Even Pope Innocent III ordered all his cardinals to wear a sapphire as his insignia of his papacy to resist “inharmonious influences.” However, I had to grin when it was discovered that Pope Gregory XV ordered sapphire rings as well; however, it was later discovered that his rings were fake and made of a blue paste or blue glass.

Now, with everyone loving this beautiful gemstone whatever its color, you can guess it can cure anything from eye troubles, stop nosebleeds, keep people out of prison, turn clear if the wearer is unfaithful in love, raise or lower chakric forces, and Alzheimer’s. Tis a very busy gem for sure. So of course, chemists have learned to make synthetic sapphires that truly seem real. But these have to be the lazy side of this sapphire family.

Lapis Lazuli

This is not a distinct mineral as most gemstones are. Lapis is a rock made up of bright blue lazurite which is created from a lot of stuff from sodalilte to pyrite. What I do know of lapis was that Nero lined the walls of his baths of his Domus Auria with lapis and pearls. But Nero was not the only one who loved this stone. Since it was first discovered near the river Euphrates near Ur, it’s continued to be popular for nearly four thousand years in such places as China, Mespotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece, and of course Rome all of whom adored this rock. Pliny the Elder described it as a sapphire with spots of gold.

In mythology it was the goddess Isis’ symbol of truth and her all seeing eye and was worn by her high priest. Sumerian’s myths say their goddess sat on a mountain of lapis. Early Christians declared it sacred to the Virgin Mary. In fact, during the 18th century, lapis was desired fifteen times more than emeralds. ….because it could cure — you name it: apoplexy, blood disorders, snakebites, boils, sore throats eyes heat, focus energy for teachers, give confidence to children, cure depression, nerves. So, your stroll to the Neroian baths should have been a healing experience for sure.

Well, it doesn’t matter, both of these beautiful blue gemstones have fantastic histories. . Like blue twins, however, they do get confused with each other. So much so that even experts are fooled sometimes.

JF Ridgley

Award-winning author Historical Fiction – Contemporary Romance
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#birthstone September
#Lapis lazuli
#Birthdays and holidays
#Gem history

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